Related so hard. This reminded me of my piece, Mama, Why Don’t You Wear Dresses Every Day? (right down to the headline phrasing!)
I quit shaving, and the main reason is that having a kid made me realize so much about the way I wished the world was, and I questioned what personal choices I could make to bring that world into being. My mom was so self-deprecating about her body, and I don’t want to be that way, so I’ve worked hard on seeing myself as strong and beautiful no matter what, as I know she sees me, as I want her to see herself. Having a kid has been amazing in that way.
Anyway, as much as I’ve moved on from the usual feminine body ideals, I do still pluck my eyebrows, and I my daughter has caught me in front of the mirror and asked me why I’m doing it. And I agree with you that these conversations are so huge for their whole conception of their own bodies and on and on.