Thank you! ❤ Yes, I briefly experimented with trying to write on my computer while I’m with her, and it just did not work.
The one exception is, we still do a daily nap, so a couple times, she’s insisted on “waking up” after a very short amount of time, and I’ll tell her, “Well, you can play by yourself in the living room, but you know I write during this time, so I’m not gonna be any fun. I’m just gonna be writing, not playing.” And then she tries and tries to get me to play, and I just keep writing and occasionally shrugging at her, haha. It’s not like I can get much done during that, but I figure my consistency with that — sticking to what I said, that I’m gonna be no fun — will reinforce that she really should just nap when it’s nap time, haha. So far, so good.